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About Our Dental Practice in Nottingham, MD

Maryland Dental Care was founded on the principles of compassionate service and high-quality dental care and has since become a trusted partner for multiple generations of families. Whether it’s your first visit or your fiftieth, our commitment remains the same: to provide exceptional dental care that prioritizes your health, comfort, and confidence.

dental team photo

A Team Led by Experience

Our office is a modern, full-service dental facility led by Dr. John Kelmenson, D.D.S., and Dr. Marcia A. Gordon, D.D.S.. Over the years, we’ve expanded and grown to ensure we remain at the forefront of dental innovation. Our team combines a wealth of experience with a passion for education and personalized care, creating treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs. From preventative checkups to advanced treatments, we want you to feel cared for, informed, and at ease throughout every step of your dental care experience.

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Dental Services for Every Situation

We take pride in offering a comprehensive range of dental services designed to support every stage of your smile’s journey. Our services include:

Your Trusted Partners in Oral Health

With over three decades of experience, our dedicated team is here to guide you on your dental health journey. We believe in a collaborative, team-driven approach to dentistry, ensuring every patient receives comprehensive, well-rounded care. Our compassionate team works closely with you, providing educational materials and clear communication to help you make informed decisions about your oral health.

Compassion and Expertise

What sets us apart? It’s our unwavering dedication to our patients. From the moment you walk through our doors, you’ll notice the difference. We foster a warm, welcoming environment where patient comfort is our top priority. With resources such as educational materials and a friendly team that takes the time to listen, we create a space where your concerns are heard, and your smile is valued.

Visit Us in Nottingham, MD

Maryland Dental Care is proud to be your dentist and your partners in health. Our modern dental facility is equipped to meet your needs, but it’s our care, attention, and expertise that makes the difference. Call our office to schedule an appointment for preventive care, a new treatment, or an urgent dental need. We’re a dental practice where your smile comes first.

Book an Appointment With Maryland Dental Care