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Welcome to Maryland Dental Care

Maryland Dental Care specializes in providing exceptional oral health services in a welcoming, professional environment at our Nottingham, MD practice. Whether you’re here for your first dental visit or returning for a routine cleaning, our team is dedicated to your comfort and well-being. We cater to all your dental needs with a personal touch that makes every visit reassuring and stress-free.

couple smiling

Your First Visit as a New Patient

We’re thrilled to have you join our dental family. Your first visit includes a comprehensive oral exam and a friendly discussion about your health goals. We’ll also create a personalized care plan tailored to your needs, ensuring you get the attention and guidance necessary for optimal oral health. Scheduling follow-up appointments is simple and convenient so you can stay on track with preventive care. You can get a headstart on your visit by filling out these forms prior to your visit:

Our Mission and Commitment to Preventive Care

Good oral health starts with prevention. We’ll discuss proper brushing and flossing techniques, offer dietary advice, and provide personalized tips for long-term oral health. Our goal is to help every patient develop effective habits that will prevent complications and ensure healthy teeth and gums for years to come. Our mission statement is to be a practice that works together to realize a shared vision of uncompromising excellence in dentistry. To do this, we’re committed to:

  • Listening to those we are privileged to serve
  • Earn the trust and respect of patients, professionals, and the community
  • Exceed your expectations
  • Ensure a creative, challenging, and compassionate professional environment
  • Strive for continuous improvement at all levels

Convenient and Comprehensive Services

Our practice offers a full range of dental services under one roof, including:

  • Routine cleanings and exams to maintain oral health
  • Fillings and crowns to address dental issues
  • Cosmetic treatments, like teeth whitening and veneers, for a radiant smile
  • Dental implants for advanced restorative care
  • Pediatric dentistry for ensuring your little ones develop healthy dental habits

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Choosing Maryland Dental Care in Nottingham, MD means gaining access to personalized care, a skilled team, and a tailored dental experience. Book your first appointment today and take the initial step to a healthier, brighter smile. We look forward to welcoming you to our practice.

Book an Appointment With Maryland Dental Care