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Good Oral Health Starts With General Dentistry

General dentistry forms the foundation of a healthy smile because it focuses on essential preventative care to maintain your teeth and gums. Combining professional dental services at Maryland Dental Care in Nottingham, MD with healthy habits like regular brushing and flossing at home is a fantastic way to minimize the need for restorative options. By addressing potential issues early on, general dentistry helps keep them from becoming larger problems. Our team is committed to ensuring long-term oral health through a proactive approach to dental care.

doctor and patient smiling

General Dental Services for the Whole Family

We offer a range of general dentistry services designed to meet your unique needs and keep your smile healthy. From the American Dental Association’s (ADA) recommended bi-annual cleanings to filling cavities with durable and long-lasting fillings, we can keep your teeth and gums thriving through routine visits.

  • Bi-Annual Dental Cleanings: The ADA recommends these to remove plaque buildup, target hard-to-reach areas, and reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Digital X-Rays: Our dental team can examine areas we can’t access through regular viewing with these diagnostic images.
  • Limited / Comprehensive Exams: We perform these to detect dental issues early and evaluate the health of your teeth, gums, and soft tissues.
  • Oral Cancer Screenings: These quick, painless screenings allow us to detect any early signs of oral cancer for the best treatment outcomes.
  • Fillings: We restore damaged teeth with durable, natural-looking fillings that stop decay, which could otherwise lead to inflamed roots and more painful circumstances.

Call Our Office to Get Started

Contact Maryland Dental Care in Nottingham, MD to schedule an appointment for general dental services. We’re currently accepting new patients, so now is the perfect time to schedule a cleaning and exam with a dental team that will ensure you stay on track with your oral health. From routine cleanings to comprehensive exams, our welcoming team is here to support your dental health every step of the way. Call our office today to schedule your appointment and enjoy a healthier smile.

Book an Appointment With Maryland Dental Care